Seven Dangers of Payday Loans

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These loans are perfect in an emergency situation to help a person overcome a temporary cash shortage. However, many without experience can find them to be problematic and risky. Without control over funds, fees can mount and cost a fortune in the long run.

Payday loans are not all bad; they just require some understanding. It is imperative that borrowers understand what they are getting into and know just what the consequences of non-repayment are. For some, these risks may lessen the beauty of the benefits. Consider the following tips before deciding to take out a payday loan.

1. First of all, understand that the amount of cash received will be less than the amount for which the borrower has to write a check. Typically a fee can range from $15 to $50, per each $100 borrowed. Usually the borrower will leave a check made out for the loan amount plus fees, to be deposited on payback date.

2. Secondly, realize that borrowers may not always have funds available to make the payment at the end of the loan term. Most lenders will happily work with the borrower to have them extend or "roll" the loan. This includes another fee on the loan amount, meaning the borrower now owes more money at the end of the new deadline. Eventually, this fee becomes bigger and bigger as borrowers are forced to roll the loan.

3. Next, there are states that regulate these types of loans by setting a time limit on the loan term. Usually this is a 30 day loan term limit. However, some businesses can get around this rule by having no loans with less than a 31 day limit, making them count as long term loans.

4. Payday loans can be dangerous for some because they are easily accessible to those who are lower income. These individuals might not otherwise be able to obtain a traditional loan. Many lenders do not consider the fact that many of these borrowers already have financial troubles and may have a difficult time paying back the loan. Instead, they are sometimes overly eager to lend to these individuals.

5. Borrowers also do not grasp the concept that payday loans are meant to be used as an alternative funding source in the case of an emergency. Instead some borrowers take advantage of the low cost and ease of getting the loan, and they use the funds for frivolous purchases. This can be harmful because lower income individuals may find it difficult to pay back the loan, and they will have to "roll" the loan over and pay additional fees.

6. Beware of fraudulent payday loan operations. Some companies will automatically roll a loan over and remove only the renewal fee from borrower's bank accounts on the date of the scheduled payback. Others will include in contracts that borrowers cannot file bankruptcy or join class action suits against the company. This removes rights of the borrower and protects the lender.

7. Finally, borrowers can become accustomed to using payday loans to cover monthly bills. However, that means when a paycheck comes around, they are not able to pay those monthly bills again because they have to pay off the loan. Or they have to roll the loan over because they do not have the money to pay it off. This is one factor that keeps people in financial distress.

If you are already having financial problems, a payday loan may be perfect for you. However, you need to be aware of the potential dangers and know how to plan accordingly. The most important step is that you use a payday loan as intended as an emergency fund. - Seven Dangers of Payday Loans

About the Author

William Brooks - For the shocking truth about debt and steps to decrease your debt and put money in your pocket tomorrow, go download your FREE report now! "The Underground "Debt" Railroad" Free Download Click Here: Free Report

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